NSW WorkCover is holding a free webinar on 1 September 2015 for small business owners to help introduce safety into the workplace. By attending this free live webinar you may be eligible to receive a small business rebate up to the value of $500. To register please click on the link below located in the attached flyer. Click here to register
Who is eligible?
Attached is a Small Business Rebate Claim Form for you, please refer to Page 6, T&C 1. For eligibility.
•You must be an owner of a NSW business with 0-50 full time employees (or equivalent). Inc. Sole traders.
•Attend an eligible WorkCover event, of which the Safety Coach Webinar is one.
•Implement an eligible safety solution. Outlined on pages 2 and 3 of the claim form.
•Send a copy of paid invoice(s), receipt(s) or proof of purchase with the completed application form through to the Safety Rebate Team. (Please note – safety solution must be purchased after the interaction with WorkCover. Retrospective invoices will not be eligible).
For queries on eligibility of specific safety solutions, the rebate team can be contacted on safetyrebate@workcover.nsw.gov.au.
How do employers access it?
Employers need to view the Webinar LIVE. (Watching a recorded Webinar is not an eligible event). Their name will be recorded in an attended database which will be used for verification of attendance. They are then able to purchase their safety solution and fill in the attached claim. Further details are available on our website at:
How is it paid?
The rebate is paid minus GST and freight, into the bank account nominated on their claim form.