The first thing to remember when claiming work related deductions is that to be deductible, they must relate to the job you are being paid to do. In addition to this, you need to be able to substantiate your claim by way of invoice, receipt or bank
Low and middle income tax offset now law
Below is a table showing the amount of rebate that you may be entitled to: From the 2018-19 income year: The low and middle income tax offset increases from a maximum amount of $530 to $1,080 per annum and the base amount increases from $200
Are you eligible for an Australian Business Number?
Over the years, the ATO have tightened up the eligibility for owing an ABN. When the ABN system was established it was meant for Australian businesses. Sounds pretty obvious doesn't it! Over the years it has been abused though and many
Keeping records for Capital Gains
In recent months, we have once again experienced great difficulty in calculating Capital Gains results for clients, in particular in relation to shareholdings. The calculation of capital gains is basically the sale price, less the cost of the