Many clients believe they have a business but in most cases they actually really only have a job. My definition of a business is one that: 1. Not only pays you a relevant salary but earns you a "super" salary by way of profit. You take on both
Protecting your Business Assets
New laws have come into place that have drastically changed the business landscape. Personal property includes everything from cars and boats, to furniture, stock, raw materials, animals, art works and anything other than land. These changes in the
What happens if I get sick?
Whilst many think income protection is for the self-employed because they are covered by workers comp insurance. The reality is that we spend less than 25% of our time at work. Worker's comp insurance doesn't cover illness nor any injury incurred
Sneaky Ways the ATO will catch you #2
Cafes and coffee shops In the last newsletter I described audit methods the ATO was employing in their fight against the cash economy within the construction industry. Those within the cafes/coffee shop/restaurant business are also in the ATO