This article appeared in our April 2018 newsletter. Written by Patricia Glenn
The Tax Office Superannuation Clearing House has made its move to Tax Office Online Services. It was not a smooth transition as there was a problem with processing of the payments of superannuation to the superannuation funds by the Clearing House. This meant that the next payment instruction could not be entered as the previous instruction had not been finalised.
The ATO has released a notification that this would be fixed by 20 April 2018. Below is a link to the ATO website information regarding the problem.
As per the information from the Tax Office if your Superannuation Guarantee obligations are not met because of problems with the new system the Tax Office has indicated that you will not be penalised for late payment. However it appears that it has now been fixed so the due date for Superannuation of 28th April should be able to be met.
Clearing house users should also be aware that the payment reference numbers have also changed.