There are numerous Government grants, assistance packages, and programs that you and your business may be eligible.
The problem is most of us don’t know what is available.
To be honest, most are unaware of these grants being available.
Some examples are:
- Apprenticeship incentives
- Continuous improvement programs
- Corporate wear schemes
- Enterprise connect program
- Enterprise learning and mentoring
- Export market development grants
- Manufacturing centres
- Natural disaster assistance schemes
- Small business advisory service providers
- Tradestart
- Women in Business
There are many more…
Some grants/schemes are offered by the Federal Government. Some are State based.
As part of our future client services, we are able to put your details into a new software package, which will enable us to provide you with a list of options that may be applicable and beneficial to you and your business.
For those who are not already clients of Lister Mason please feel free to contact us or phone 02 9548 5155.